Seiko head aluminum connection


Aluminum connection

Aluminum connection

Aluminum connection is used for Seiko damper head. The task of this connection is to connect the ink hose with the damper. This connection consists of three parts.

Plastic connection: There are different types of plastic connections. A connection that both ends are connected to the hose and has male and female parts and is available in different sizes. One of the functions of this type of connection is that it divides the hose above the head so that if we want to open the head, we no longer need to remove the hoses from the head.

Tee connection and seal connection: Tee connection is used for parts that need to be branched from the hose. The seal connection is also used for the ventilation hose or sub tank inlets, which are unused Taken.

Connections are very important and practical at the same time, because if a connection gives air or its hose is loose and air is rejected, it will cause continuous clogging of the corresponding head. Therefore, it is important that the connection is of good material and is completely inside the hose and does not draw air.

Sometimes, the connection becomes problematic due to the mass of the ink, and the male and female parts do not connect properly. In these cases, it is better to replace the connection to prevent a series of problems.

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